Thursday, March 17, 2011

Description and analysis of Jurassic Park

Film making technique
Analysis of effects in filmed scene
Camera angles
1.The samara is quite a long way back at first.
2. Starts zooming into one of the cars.
3. Camera is going closer to the character.
4. When the dinosaur is shown the camera angle is from down to show the size compared to the people.
5. Focused at the character eyes and then they show us what the character is seeing as a point of view as if we were him, and show us all Jurassic park.
6. Two bright red cars in middle of a green field with a couple of tall trees. The cars where far away.

Lighting – interior, exterior, etc
Natural lighting
Sound – digestic (from the setting of the film) or non digestic (sound track, music, etc.
1. Non digestic sound, classical music.
2. The opening sense with music.
3. Then you start hearing the cars.
4. Music of wonder when they realize there is a dinosaur next to them
5. the music becomes more aggressive and fast as they get closer to the place where dinosaurs are created

Framming of shot /composition
1. Lot of verticals, for natural objects (trees). There are also ecos.
2. Deep green field.
3. When camera zooms in the sky changes, maybe the time of day has change.

Use of colour and lighting
1. Natural objects, mostly green alive colours.
2. Red is a colour of danger, love, passion, love.
3. Red is becoming more seen so the sense of danger is more powerful.

Editing/time sequence
1. We’ve gone from long shot to close shot.
2. There are about 15 shots approximately.
3. Change of time when changing the shot.
4. The first around 4minutes happen in the same time, there is not a big difference between them.
View point – restricted (from the characters point of view) or omniscient(seeing things the characters can’t)
1. The face of the character is telling us that he is surprise, and as we don’t know what he is seeing because we can’t see it causes a feeling of tension. When he takes his sunglasses from his face it causes a bigger feeling of surprise as he wants to see everything clearer.
2. The women doesn’t sees the dinosaur first because she is distracted watching the map to create suspension and when she sees it and also surprises it’s a double effect.
3. We have different reactions from the characters. The park owner reacts he is happy to see the other characters surprised. He also seems proud because they always look for dinosaurs but they just see bones, the director uses their emotions to express that they are seeing their life dreams.
4. Another character jealous he is the realist of the film.
5. The accountant is also surprised because they will win a lot of money with the park. He is just thinking about money – different reaction.
6. They have mention the t-rex and that makes the audience to maintain interested in the movie.
7. There where some scientists in the cars and they want to host the park.
The car stops and they see one dinosaur, they get out the car and get pretty close to the dinosaur, and didn’t bother at all as they come closer. The dinosaur stands in two legs to eat.
The scientists are surprised because they have never seen a dinosaur before. High emotion in the scene, sense of wonder.

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