Thursday, August 25, 2011

Production Journal 3 - The Chase

Today we started filming the movie and it wasn't as difficult as we thought it would be. We started with the establishing shot and then with the first scene which me, as an actress though the acting part was really natural and it didn’t required much skills.

The challenge was the camera part as we have to use different camera angle and camera movements which we had never done before and we had to practice a lot to make sure the shots were perfect and that they followed our storyboard.

At the end of the activity we were really happy because we got better results than what we expected, we got really nice camera movements that would make the audience connect more with the plot and with what was happening and it approached to how they would look at it in real life, I believe.

We are properly following our plan and we think we will be able to do one or two scenes per activity session so we will finish in time, although the editing part will be a challenge because we will have to make sure the portals look really good and natural.

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