Thursday, July 14, 2011

Production Journal 2 - The Chase Project

Today we had the formal interview. We presented our project and storyboard with all the camera angles, different rolls, and equipment to Mr Dunn, Mr Keller, and Sr Sandro Calderon. We still have to present them the schedule of our time plan of when and where are we going to film.

I think they liked our project as we had the storyboard done correctly showing everything we were required, although we still have to make the portals more marked and recognizable. But apart from that our project is OK.

After we were done with the interview we start to make the time schedule of when and where we were going to do each scene, this is very important because we need to be really organized in order to have the whole project done for the exact due date, already edited.

Next session we are planning to start, so we need all our costumes and equipment ready for next week.

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