Thursday, July 14, 2011

Genre Study

What is it?
  • Category
  • To study a film as a genre involves grouping together a large body of films according to characteristics that they all share
  • There are two different approaches to identify these characteristics, de descriptive approach (describing the attributes of the film, mood, setting, and theme and then you put all together into a genre), and the functional approach (what a film is design to do: define the function and purpose of the film).

Genre study vs. Auteursim:
  • Contrast between two approaches
  • Genre study is all about thinking the characteristics which make a particular film fit into a group as many other.
  • Auteursim is all about thinking what makes a particular film different from any other according to who directed it.

Why study films according to genre
  • Makes sense to films (breaks down different types of movies)
  • Compare particular characteristics of films
  • Helps us to trace and understand social development and how it has changed over years
  • Satisfaction of expectations as you already know what the theme of the movie will be depending on the particular genre it has.

Problems with the descriptive approach to genre study
  • Boundaries between film genres are fuzzy – some films are hard to categorize.
  • Overtime genres develop(change)
  • The function of the same film can often be read in different ways
  • Different interpretations
  • Who define the genres? Film critics, the film industry, or movie goers.

Criticism of genre study
  • Artificial and contrived

Examples of main genres:
  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Comedy
  • Crime and gangster
  • Drama
  • Epical
  • Fantasy
  • Horror
  • Musicals
  • Science fiction
  • Thrillers
  • War
  • Westerns
*There are also sub-genres which are inside a genre itself.

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