Thursday, July 14, 2011

Analysing the Hitchcock's Documentary.

Scene 1:
· First a woman turning around and screaming because she sees a dead body.
· Train in a railway coming out of a tunel. (footage of film of Hitchcock))

Scene 2:
· 2 women running in a beach watching something we don’t know and putting a frightening face. (footage of another film of Hitchcock)
o     He make the audience feel what he wanted them to feel.

Scene 3:
· A scared woman in a train (footage in the train)

Scene 4:
· Still photo of Hitchcock

Scene 5:
· Archive footage of a particular area in London and in the time they are talking about to explain the historical footage.

Scene 6:
· Still photo

Scene 7:
· Still photo of somewhere in London where Hitchcock is from

Scene 8:
· still photo of his father

Scene 9:
· Another still photo of his father as well

Scene 10:
· Still photo of some children probably at the same time he was a child.

Scene 11:
· Archive footage showing how his work was

Scene 12:
· Sill photo of Hitchcock and the man is talking and then it changes to the man talking, they have blurred the photo.

Scene 13:
· Archive footage of a building, park and important places of London for Hitchock

Scene 14:
· Date and name shown in one of the footage of his first film (subtitles)
· As long as someone is talking you can have a long footage playing.

Scene 15: 
· The cover of a film (3rd film maybe) blue tone.
· Always had crime and sex as a theme (subtitles).
· Then it goes sepia.
· When they talk about someone the photo of that person is shown.
· He always has the man in a run and a mistaken killer.
· Un-naturalistic makeup.
· Lots of shadows.
· Imaginative and inventive his techniques are.
· He appears in the first 10 minutes so the audience don’t spend the rest of the movie looking for him, and he appears in the background (signature)

Scene 16:
· Footage of one of his movie, many movies

Scene 17:
· Still photo with his wife, and then it shows another one of a similar flat where he lived the photo starts moving up.

Scene 18:
· Showing a film projector with a blue background (color established for the documentary)

· Lots of still photos

Scene 20:
· Blue background again

Scene 21:
· Locations stillphotosand then the credits of a movie which shoes us how they where in those days.

Scene 22:
· Footage of one of his films with sound included

Scene 23:
· Another introduction to one of the themes he had with a footage of his movies... the idea of strangers, people with different accents
· When you introduce a new reporter you have to put the names above.
· Another stylistic technique: we have points of views of characters
· Recreation show a cup of tea and then a wall with a cup falling and breaking
· Innocent people, a child and a dog killed.
· Always had typical Hitchcock hero, the innocent man
· Mystery and Sense of justice

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